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27 Jul 2013

'"Intel" Hiring Freshers as Software Engineer @ Bangalore'

Placement Mantra Search Jobs in India – Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Kolkata,Chennai,Hyderabad. has posted a new item,

Company Name:         Intel Corporation


Qualification:             ME,M.Tech,MCA

Experience:                Freshers

Location:                    Bangalore

Job Role:                   Software Engineer

Last Date:                  25th July 2014

Job Description:

“Intel” Hiring Freshers as Software Engineer @ Bangalore

* Candidate is expected to have basic sound foundational knowledge in a significant portion of the following areas:

Software Lifecycle Skills: Software development life cycle
(requirements engineering, design, coding, testing, build/release mgmt,
beta/deployment and product support) with knowledge in various life
cycle models such as waterfall, rapid prototyping, spiral etc.

Technology Skills:

Basic foundational knowledge in .NET Framework, Windows Scripting, XML,
Programming languages such as C#/VB.NET and C++; Visual Studio IDE
(e.g. Visual Studio 2010);

* Database development on Oracle and/or SQL Server with basic PLSQL.

* Hands-on experience would be highly desirable.

Other relevant skills include:

* Willingness and desire to provide 24X7 on-call production support.

Self starter in a rapidly changing environment with a steep learning
curve and on the job training to deliver software in a frequent release

* Quickly understand the domain and communicate to the
customers in domain specific terminology. Strong verbal/written
communication skills.

* Strong problem solving skills using a structured approach. Solid commitment to task (timeline, quality)

How To Apply:

Apply Here

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Placement Mantra Search Jobs in India – Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Kolkata,Chennai,Hyderabad.


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