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7 Dec 2012

सरकारी नौकरी - Government Jobs India - Sarkari Naukri

सरकारी नौकरी - Government Jobs India - Sarkari Naukri

Non-Teaching posts in ABV IIITM Dec-2012

Posted: 06 Dec 2012 09:10 AM PST

Atal Bihari Vajpaee (ABV)
Indian Institute of Information Technology & Management (IIITM)
(An Autonomous Institute of Govt. of India) 
Morena Link Road, Gwalior-474010 (MP)
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ABV-IIITM, Gwalior is a premier institute set up by Government of India with the objective of imparting education and conducting research of par excellence in the fields of Information & Communication Technology and IT-enabled Management. The Institute is inviting application for recruitment to the following non-faculty positions :

  1. System Analyst : 01 post 
  2. Assistant Registrar : 03 posts
  3. ICT Workshop Instructor : 01 post
  4. PA/ Steno : 01 post 
  5. Accountant : 01 post
  6. Assistant : 02 posts
  7. Asstt. Engg. (Civil) : 01 post

How to Apply : Candidates must send a demand draft for Non-Faculty Position of Rs. 200/- (SC/ST Candidates will be exempted from fee) drawn on any Nationalized Bank in favor of Director ABV - IIITM, Gwalior, payable at Gwalior along with their application in the prescribed Format to: Registrar, ABV-IIITM, Morena Link Road, Gwalior-474015. Envelope should be superscripted as "Application for Non-Faculty Position". Last date for Receipt of Applications in Prescribed format is 31/12/2012.
For more information and application format, please visit

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Faculty posts in ABV IIITM Dec-2012

Posted: 06 Dec 2012 08:46 AM PST

Atal Bihari Vajpaee (ABV)
Indian Institute of Information Technology & Management (IIITM)
(An Autonomous Institute of Govt. of India) 
Morena Link Road, Gwalior-474010 (MP)
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Opportunities - Faculty Positions  of Assistant Professor

ABV-IIITM, Gwalior is a premier institute set up by Government of India with the objective of imparting education and conducting research of par excellence in the fields of Information Technology and IT-enabled Management. The Institute is looking forward for exceptionally bright academicians and professionals at entry level (Assistant Professor) :
  • Assistant Professor in the disciplines in Information Technology, Management and interdisciplinary areas
Minimum Qualifications : Ph.D. with first class or equivalent grade at the preceding degree in an appropriate branch/ discipline with a very good academic record throughout. Minimum of 03 years teaching/research/industrial experience.

Pay Scale : Pay band (PB-3) : Rs.15600-39100/- with AGP : Rs. 7000/- or Rs. 6000/- for fresh Ph.D.s

Application Fee : Demand Draft of Rs. 500/ Rs.250/- for SC/ST/PH candidates) drawn on any nationalized bank in favour of the Director, ABV-IIITM Gwalior payable at Gwalior

How to Apply : Application in the prescribed format should be sent to the Registrar, ABV-IIITM, Morena Link Road Gwalior latest by 14/12/2012 to be considered in the first cycle which is likely to
be completed by 31/12/2012.

For more information and application format, please visit

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MPPMCL recruitment for various posts Dec-2012

Posted: 06 Dec 2012 08:22 AM PST

M.P. Power Management Company Limited (MPPMCL)
ShaktiBhawan, Vidyut Nagar, Rampur Jabalpur (M.P.)

Madhya Pradesh Power Management Company Limited, Jabalpur, a wholly owned
entity of Government of MP  incorporated to undertake activities of power management in the state of M.P. invite application for the following posts:

  1. Accounts Officer : 03 posts
  2. Dy. General Manager (Fin. & Accounts) (DGM) : 04 posts on contract basis
  3. Chartered Accountant (CA) : 09 posts on contract basis
  4. Management Executive (ME) : 04 posts on contract basis
Application Fee : Rs. 500/- and for SC/ ST// PH  M.P domicile Rs. 250/- payable in the form of Demand Draft of any scheduled bank drawn in favour of Regional Accounts Officer (CAU), MPPMCL, Jabalpur, payable at Jabalpur.

How to Apply :   The application form in the prescribed format duly filled in all respect along with all necessary enclosures and Demand Draft should be sent to the Chief General Manager (HR), MP Power Management Co.Ltd., Block No.14, 1st Floor, Shakti Bhawan, Jabalpur (MP) - 482008, so as to reach on or before 10/01/2013 by 5.30 PM positively.

Please visit for details and application format.

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Non-Academic posts in NISER Dec-2012

Posted: 06 Dec 2012 07:48 AM PST

NISER jobs at
National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER)
Institute of Physics Campus, Sachivalaya Marg, P.O. Sainik School,
Bhubaneswar - 751005, Orissa, India
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The National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER) has been setup by the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) of the Government of India. NISER invites applications invites applications for the following non-academic posts :
  1. Scientific Officer 'E' (Computer) : 01 post
  2. Scientific Officer 'D' (Civil) : 01 post
  3. Scientific Officer 'D' (Electrical) : 01 post
  4. Scientific Assistant-C (Civil & Electrical) : 04 posts
  5. Scientific Assistant-B (Mechanical, Electrical, & Computer / Telecommunication)  : 05 posts
  6. Technician (Computer/ Telecommunication) : 02 posts
Application Fee : Demand Draft of Rs. 200/‐ drawn in favour of "FINANCE OFFICER, NISER" payable at Bhubaneswar towards application fee. Candidates are advised to write their name and post applied for on the backside of the demand draft. SC/ST/PWD/Women candidates are not required to pay any application fee.

How to Apply : The application form complete in all respect along with the attested copies of relevant certificates in support of educational/technical qualifications, age and experiences etc. must reach in a sealed envelope to the Recruitment Cell: Administration Section, NISER in the address given below on or before 11/01/2013 :

National Institute of Science Education & Research, Institute of Physics Campus, Sachivalaya Marg, P.O. : Sainik School, Bhubaneswar ‐ 751005, Orissa, India.

Please view for non-faculty vacancies and application format.

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Various posts in Haryana School Shiksha Parishad Dec-2012

Posted: 06 Dec 2012 07:09 AM PST

Haryana jobs at
Haryana School Shiksha Pariyojna Parishad (HSSPP) 
Shiksha Sadan, 3rd & 4th Floor, Sector-5, Panchkula (Haryana)
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 Recruitment for various posts in Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya (KGBV)

Applications are invited from Female candidates for recruitment for the following posts in Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalayas being established in the state of Haryana by Haryana School Shiksha Pariyojna Parishad (HSSPP)  :  
  1. Accountant : 36 posts
  2. Teacher cum Warden : 36 posts
  3. TGT Social Studies : 36 posts
  4. TGT Science : 36 posts
  5. TGT Maths : 36 posts
  6. TGT Sanskrit : 36 posts
  7. Part Time Teacher Sangeet (Music) : 36 posts
  8. Part Time Teacher  PTI : 36 posts 
  9. Part Time Teacher Computer : 36 posts
 Age : 21-45 years as on 01/01/2013.

How to Apply : Apply Online by sending scanned copy of application format or Offline by sending prescribed application format on or before 21/12/2012 at the designated address.

Please view  for details and Online application format.

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UKPSC Sanitary and Food Inspector posts Dec-2012

Posted: 06 Dec 2012 06:30 AM PST

Uttarakhand PSC jobs at
Uttarakhand Public Service Commission (UKPSC)
Ayog Bhawan, Gurukul Kangri, Haridwar-249404 (Uttarakhand) Published by

The Uttarakhand Public Service Commission (UKPSC) invites applications for following posts of  Safai evam Khadya Nirikshak (Sanitary and Food Inspector) posts in Urban Development Departments of Government of Uttarakhand :
  • Safai evam Khadya Nirikshak (Sanitary and Food Inspector)  : 65 posts, (UR-38, SC-15, ST-3, OBC-9), Pay Scale : Rs.4000-6000 (old, to be revised), Age : 21-40 years, relaxation in age as per rules.
Application Form : OMR application forms can be had from all Head Post offices/ Sub Post offices in the districts of Uttarakhand at cost of Rs.220 (Rs.130/- for SC/ST/PWD of Uttarakhand)

How to Apply : Application forms in the prescribed OMR format (OMR application form can obtained form head post offices in all the district of Uttarakhand)  completed in all respects must reach the Secretary, Uttarakhand Public Service Commission, Gurukul Kangri, Haridwar-249404 at the commission office either by registered post/ speed post or personally (by hand) up to 06-00 P.M. on or before 21/12/2012.

Kindly view  for detailed information.

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